This summer, the Williston Police Department initiated an intriguing effort to protect local children. Officers will patrol for kids wearing helmets while biking, skateboarding, or in-line skating as part of AAA's "I Got Caught" program. In a pleasant twist, kids who wear helmets get a free little cone at a local Dairy Queen.

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Riding Bikes

Outdoor helmets reduce head injuries. Bicycle helmets alone lessen head, major head, and traumatic brain injuries by 48%, 60%, and 53%, according to a 2018 National Library of Medicine study. Helmets protect children's health, as these figures show. Positive reinforcement has long been used by law enforcement to promote helmet use. Free or reduced helmets and incentives for helmet wear increased safe habits in youngsters, according to CDC research.

North Dakota safety organizations support the "I Got Caught" campaign. North Dakota Sheriffs and Deputies Association, North Dakota Chiefs of Police Association, Vision Zero, Bismarck, Grand Forks, Fargo, and Minot Safe Kids coalitions. Dairy Queen, famed for its delicious desserts, is also a proud sponsor of this annual initiative.

The Williston Police Department partners with these organizations to encourage North Dakota adolescents to wear helmets. They seek to instill a lifetime of safety and head injury prevention by rewarding good conduct. Parents and caregivers must actively ensure their children's outside safety. Encouraging helmet use, explaining head protection, and setting a good example by wearing helmets can dramatically impact our children's conduct.

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TSM Media Center
Bike Riding

The "I Got Caught" campaign shows a community protecting its children. The Williston Police Department and its partners make outdoor activities safer for kids by encouraging helmet use and rewarding safe behavior.

Please wear helmets this summer. Biking, skateboarding, and in-line skating can minimize head injuries by just wearing one. So, Williston kids, keep your helmets on and look out for a free Dairy Queen cone from the police department!

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