Free Education for ND Families Who have Children with a Special Health Need or Disability
Do you have a child with a disability, chronic health or special healthcare need that will be transitioning from pediatric needs to adult care needs now or within a few years?
Join Family Voices of North Dakota for a Zoom Session on Thursday April 13th from 7:00pm until 9:00pm to start the conversations on transition. Family Voices of North Dakota (FVND) is based in Edgeley, and is a statewide health information and education center for families who have children with a special health need or disability from birth to age 26 and for the professionals that serve them. Family Voices of North Dakota is available in all (8) regions across the state and the communities they serve help families become better parents, advocates, professionals and educators.
Transition involves a significant change or set of changes in a person’s life circumstances during a relatively limited time period rather than over the life span. Health Care Transition is the process of moving from a child/family-centered model of health care to an adult/patient-centered model of health care. Preparing for healthcare transition means finding out if you’re ready to transition to an adult health care model, gaining independent health care skills and practicing those skills, learning self-advocacy roles and transferring those skills that lead to a successful transition.
For the Zoom session they will discuss what Transition is for your family, a Pre-Assessment tool, Health Care Transition Facts, Supplemental Security Income, IEP transition, and Guardianships and Alternatives. A pre-assessment will be emailed to you to complete and other materials will be sent to you prior to the meeting. All training sessions are free.
Anyone may attend including your child, especially for those who have children between age 14-18. To register: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event... Once registered a Zoom link will be sent to you.
For more details contact Donene Feist of Family Voices of North Dakota at 701-493-2634 or fvnd@drtel.net