I have had the opportunity to play many of these golf courses, and it's hard to point out all the wonderful things about them just by looking at the pictures. Golf is a wonderful, frustrating sport that combines patience, practice, and too many swear words. The best advice I have ever heard is to "Just move on" - if you just finished with a cool "10" on a par 3 - POOF - it's history, a new hole awaits you. I can also tell you out of years of experience and lost balls, WE keep coming back - looking for that one magic swing that lofts your snowy white Titleist 160 yards in the air - to land with a bounce or two and rolls softly into the cup for an ace (OR the shot where your ball ricochets off a tree, takes another clang on the side of a garbage can, and then dribbles 20-30 feet hitting the pin, and falling in with a wounded thud) - IT STILL COUNTS AS A ONE! Never give up hope!

10 Awesome Golf Courses In ND