Danny V is a broadcasting veteran closing in on 40 years behind the microphone. He is an avid reader and a general interest content creator for South Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa. He lives in Sioux Falls, SD with 3 kids, a wife, and 2 questionable St. Bernards. When he is not on the air, reading, or writing, he is usually attending his kids' sporting events or annoying his wife, or possibly both at once. He is also truly blessed to have 3 incredible kids, Isaac, Noah, and Elliana, along with his wife, Heather. Even though he grew up in the beautiful state of Iowa, he considers himself a true 'Sioux Fallsian' having spent his entire broadcasting career here. (Except for the 2 years, 3 days, and 7 hours in Aberdeen...) "I love this town, the people, and the music scene. Feel free to reach out to me at any time at danny@b1027.com Let's rock!" - Danny V